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Fabian Wagner (Cinematographer)

Cinematographer of Justice League, Game of Thrones, Overlord, and Sherlock.

Growing up and as you start pursuing a career in cinema as a cinematographer, who are some of your influences that guided your journey?

I just always loved movies. I fell in love with movies and tv shows very early on and as soon as I knew that making movies was a job, that’s what I wanted to do. I started Shooting stuff myself, got into stills, and then started working on short films for the Munich film school.

Learning. Meeting people. Getting to know the Industry and the responsibilities of all the departments.

I just loved films, and then being on set. That was my inspiration. There is a lot of filmmakers I admire but I don’t like singling people out, there is too many. And too many movies.

What did you learn the most from initially shooting music videos and short films that may have helped your work in Game of Thrones and Justice League?

Every job I I do, I learn things. I love it. It’s never ending. You kind of have to embrace that I think. So every job I’ve done along the way has somehow helped with the next.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be technical, it can be anything.

Communication. Collaboration. Growing as a human being, as a cinematographer. There is so many aspects

Filmmaking is often a mystery from the eyes of a typical audience. What is the beauty behind making a film?

Film making, movies or tv, is just a passion for me. For many people. It’s not a job. It’s my passion, my hobby, my love. It’s about creating something of course, but to me it’s much more personal.

It’s the collaboration, the teamwork, the feeling of being on set, looking through a camera, figuring out a shot, a scene. So many things.

Zack Snyder's Justice League is now a societal and cultural movement rather than merely a movie. What is it like to be part of it?

It’s great to be a part of it of course. I loved working with Zack. it was one of the best experiences of my life, personally and professionally.

And I’m glad that we will see the movie that Zack had always wanted to make.

Let’s not forget though that the reason for all of this is a very sad and tragic event that happened to the Snyder family and this is something I think about a lot.

But the fact that it has generated so much interest is a good thing and it will hopefully help a lot of people in the future.

Can you share the most memorable experience you had while filming the Justice League?

Every day was memorable to me.

But if I had to pick one it would probably be the one with Gordon and the bat light, and Batman up on the gargoyle. I’ve always loved Batman the most and shooting an hopefully iconic Batman shot is supercool.

What principles or visual strategy did you utilize as the cinematographer of the Justice League?

Can you share some of the crucial, creative discussions you had with Director Zack Snyder?

It was always very clear from the very beginning how we would approach the film.

Zack storyboards everything and it’s amazing how accurate and beautiful his storyboards are.

But he’s also open to new and different ideas. We had a B camera that I was operating and any time I saw an opportunity for another shot I would suggest it to him. We used it a lot and it was great fun.

Your work in Game of Thrones and Justice League are considered to be era-defining. What is your overall sentiment in having the opportunity to work on these two tent-pole pieces?

I’m just grateful for all the things I’ve been a part of. Both GoT and JL have been huge parts of my life, like I said both personally and professionally.

It’s amazing to be a part of something that’s so well loved (and or hated..:)), and to be able to shoot some iconic images. I’m just very lucky and always grateful for the opportunities.

I never had much of a ‘plan’ as such, I was just always working very hard and shooting as much as I could, learning as much as possible.

That’s all you can do really. The rest it up to the universe!!


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