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Celine Cairo (Singer/Songwriter)

What Obstacles Are You Currently Trying To Overcome?

I'm challenging myself to become more forward in my decision-making: I want to feel like I'm always in the driver's seat and I find that quite difficult.. When I'm tired or overwhelmed or just feeling low I tend to just react to everything around me instead of taking control and being true to my own values, principles and dreams.

What Memory Instantly Makes You Smile?

The day my boyfriend and I picked up our rescue dog at the airport.. He was only 4 months old and we'd never met him, we decided to adopt him after seeing his picture.. Holding him for the first time was such a beautiful feeling.

What Do You Think Are The 5 Most Beautiful Things In The World?

1. Nature, animals..

2. Music (is that a thing?!)

3. My collection of plants (I have about 40 plants and the collection is expanding.. )

5. My mom

What One Responsibility Do You Most Wish You Didn’t Have?

Walking my dog when it's pouring outside or when I'm hungover haha

When In Your Life Have You Been Humbled?

Every day really! I've sang for almost empty venues and I sold out beautiful halls - Being a musician is humbling on many levels.. I think being an artist is a very peculiar and delicate thing. It's both vulnerable and empowering, it comes with great highs and deep lows, with criticism and praise.. Whenever I perform I feel deeply thankful to the people who value what I do and spend their time, money and energy on a night with me and my band. I learnt there's just no way you can ever take any of those people for granted.

What Has Been Your Biggest Challenge In Life, And How Did You Overcome It?

I think dealing with insecurity and anxiety has always been the biggest one, and still is. I don't think there's ever been or could ever be that I'm 100% over it, I try to look at it it more like I'm training a muscle. Being confident and comfortable is something that takes practice and we need to be reminded to exercise so it's an ongoing battle, that's become much much easier over the years.

What Makes You Feel Most Empowered?

Being with my band, on stage.

You've mentioned that your new sing "Siren Song" is an anthemic response to a toxic relationship and talks about being drawn into someones deceptive world but finding the strength to, in the end, see through it all. Can you talk about the creative process in deciding the theme for this song?

I remember the day that we wrote Siren Song, I felt this urgency to talk about what had happened, instead of feeling like I was still in the middle of it. So it really was a way of coming to terms with myself and this deceitful person, feeling like I was no longer enslaved by it. I felt angry, yes, but also empowered as I was unveiling the lies. It really set me free and I wanted to sing about it to let people know that you can always overcome these things, when you're able to forgive yourself.

How did you find the perfect cadence among all the songs in your latest album, "Free fall", and what are the parallels between the lyrics to your reality?

For me my debut album was a real mosaic of songs, from all different stages of my life until that time. "Sweet" is about my depressions and dealing with it while being in a relationship. "Hibernate" is about my sorrow after my first relationship ended and "Hello Love" was written in LA when I was there to record my album. I was so happy and in love with the city, so it all came together there.

What Do You Want Your Final Words To Be?

I just want to speak to all people who may deal with any form of feeling low; train yourself to accept your emotions and observe them, instead of feeling like they own you. They don't. Learn to bounce back in a healthy way when you go down, and you'll be up before you know it. When you get good at this, it's much easier to be in control and work on your dreams on a steady pace.


Spotify: Celine Cairo

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